You are late...

The enrollments for The Membership are officially closed.

I told you. You only had until March 4th to join. If you took action, congratulations. You may have just completely changed the trajectory of your entire career.

If you didn't, you missed out. I don't know when I'm opening this up again. And when I do, it won't be for long. You can register below to be notified when I open The Membership again.


Agents Served



Spent on ads




  1,493 Students Enrolled

  229,063 Appointments Generated

For the real estate agent searching for a simple, consistent, and automated way to get new listings…

Feel like it's impossible to thrive in this market?

The best agents don't wait around for the market to be 'perfect', because here's the truth: Problems are always going to exist.

Inventory will be low. Interest rates will be high.

Competition will be through the roof.

There will ALWAYS be problems that can hold you back.

That is why you have a decision to make RIGHT NOW. Are you going to continue to struggle, or are you going to step up and decide to be a Market Leader from this moment on? Sure - it's easier said than done.

And that's why we created - The Membership, so you can learn how to get listings consistently, no matter how hard it is in the market.

And to be clear - it has nothing to do with cold calling, door knocking, flyers, paying Zillow or lead gen companies to get leads, Facebook Ads, YouTube Ads or social media.

The answer is, as you’re about to discover, the exact opposite of what everyone is preaching.

What we’re going to show you here is how to book pre-qualified appointments with sellers, not just “generate leads”, in less than a few minutes of work a day.

No more chasing duds, and no more “income rollercoaster”.

You’ll be able to create a system that brings in new listings like clockwork, freeing you up to start enjoying your life and finally start investing in real estate to earn passive residual income. - The Membership™ Is A Shortcut - The Membership™ gives you all the ads, systems and scripts needed to get consistent leads, listings and closings in ANY MARKET.

These methods have been successfully proven by over 300+ agents nationwide and the best part is this works EVEN IF you're in a competitive market or you're not tech savvy.

1. Getting Your First Lead on Autopilot

Many real estate agents depend on referrals and their SOI to get clients, which isn't sustainable, nor predictable.

Hence why, we'll focus on creating a simple system that will attract qualified sellers in your area.

The best part is?

We'll make them come to you, so you won't have to chase them - they'll be chasing YOU.

We primarly use YouTube Ads to generate leads as we've tried all methods under the sun to generate sellers and this is by far, the best to get "ready-to-list" sellers coming to you consistently.

2. Landing Your First Listing Appointment

Now that you've generated your first lead, we'll make them schedule an appointment on the phone with you in your online calendar.

You'll be equipped with our secret script that we've been refining for the last 6 years to virtually guarantee you land the listing appointment.

3. Scaling Up "The Machine"

Once you got a listing presentation, we'll scale up "the machine" so you can 2x,5x or even 10x your lead volume almost INSTANTLY.

When you'll wake up the next day, your calendar will be PACKED with qualified appointments with hot "ready-to-list" sellers in your zip codes.

All you'll have to do is run them through our secret script to get them on a listing presentation and get the listing under contract. Voila! You know have a listing acuisition machine running on autopilot!

This is when it gets fun... you can start having different ads for different types of sellers to get more volume and have predictability in all types of market.

The Curriculum

Explore The Membership's Curriculum - The Membership™ will show you step-by-step how to generate "ready-to-list" sellers in the zip codes you want.

You'll go through a series of actionable video trainings at your own pace. There's zero fluff - most videos are less than 10min so you can focus on executing and getting results right away.

On top of the flagship course, every month you'll get access to a new strategy for getting listings as the market shifts.

Members also get access to "Realtor Makeover", a series where Mikael and his team optimizes LIVE a realtor's systems for generating sellers so you can follow along.

By building your business the " Way", you'll finally be able to spend more time on things you ACTUALLY want to do, like spending quality time with your family, buying new toys, going on trips, and build massive wealth.

STEP 1: Getting Your First Lead on Autopilot

We’ll start by showing you our exact proprietary system called "The Listing Accelerator" (our private clients pay us anywhere from $6,000 to $10,000 to implement this in their business for them) so you can finally build a listing based business that thrives no matter the inventory or interest rates.

We’ll primarily leverage YouTube™ ads to send potential sellers to our machine, but don’t worry, you’ll be profitable before your first bill is due.

If YouTube™ ads scare you don’t worry, we have incredibly in-depth modules, workbooks, PDFs, and how-to guides that start from recording your first video and go all the way to launching your first campaigns.

The best part is? If you're camera shy, you don't even need to record the videos yourself...

Just A Fraction Of What You’ll Get: 

  • Ad Scripts: We’ll show you everything you need to know about recording video ads from what to say, what to wear, where to record, etc. to attract aligned clients. Imagine never having to sell yourself again to a prospect or never having to drop your commission to win over competitors because THEY'RE selling themselves as to why they want to be your client.

  • Done-For-You Funnels: You get exclusive access to our proven funnels responsible for generating millions in commissions over the last years. Imagine clicking a button and literally having the exact funnels, automations and drip sequences our top agents are currently using to add anywhere from $100k/year to upwards of $250k/year in extra commissions.

  • SMS & Email Automations: This will be a total game-changer if up to this point you haven't been diligent about following up with leads in your data base. This is better than having a full-time ISA as leads will get reached out to immediately all the time. This will revive "old leads", nurture new ones and reach out to fresh leads.

  • Lead Magnets: You'll get 20+ lead magnets you can instantly use to generate sellers ASAP. A lead magnet is what you give to a lead in exchange of their contact information. It's much more than just a "free home valuation" or "list of homes" - I guarantee you you've never heard HALF of them, which will make you stand out in a competitive market.

  • Step-by-step Tutorial: In less than 7 min, you'll know exactly how to launch your very first YouTube Ad campaign to start generating seller leads, even if you're not tech savvy. We literally show you click by click how to do it and we've had over 300 agents follow along - if you can copy, you can do it.

  • And So Much More…

STEP 2: Landing Your First Listing Appointment

Now that you generated your first lead on autopilot, it's time to schedule a listing appointment to get the deal under contract ASAP!

We'll show you how you can utilize AI (even if you're not tech-savvy) to automatically text the lead for you, asking it a few key qualifying questions to ensure he's actually looking to sell and then book them in your online calendar for a phone appointment.

All of this, without you having to lift a single finger!

Sounds too good to be true? With ChatGPT you can now custom build an AI that matches how you communicate by text, making it unoticeable they're speaking to one.

So you could be sleeping, driving or in the shower and booking phone appointments with leads.

Just A Fraction Of What You’ll Get: 

  • CRM & Workflow Trainings: Using a sheet of paper or Excel won't cut it to track your leads. You probably already used a CRM before or are currently using one, but are you utilizing all of its features to its full potential? Probably not. That's why we'll show you a simple system to centralize all your leads in one-place, making it SUPER easy to stay organized and never forget important details on your deals. You'll have a front row seat to our workflows, campaigns & drip sequences (as easy as plug-n-play).

  • How To Make Your Biz Work 24/7 On Autopilot Through Automations & AI: For every lead you generate, we'll show you how you'll be able to have AI qualify them for you by SMS, then invite them to schedule a call in your online calendar and send the lead important information to consume BEFORE your appointment - to warm them up and guarantee you "win before you arrive".

  • Our Secret Script: We'll give you our exact word for word script for calling leads once they scheduled a phone appointment with you to virtually always land a listing presentation. All of this, without sounding like a sleezy salesman and without "tricking the prospect".

  • Call Recordings of Successful Appointments: It's not what you say, it's HOW you say it that matters. That's why we'll give you access to recordings of successful calls with leads from our best clients so you can model how they speak and how they make the script their own. Seeing how we do it LIVE in action will fast track your learning curve 10X!

  • And So Much More…

STEP 3: Scaling Up "The Machine"

The final step in the process, it’s now time to get a listing under contract, sell it and then scale up the machine.

We’re able to help our clients get as high as a 14x return on their ad spend within just 30 days of launching their campaigns. This means that they’re able to put $1 in and get $14 out in just a few days.

That’s why it’s called “The Machine” because at that point the only thing stopping you from getting more listings is you!

Once you're profitable, you can then re-invest back some of the money you made from the system into more ads, so you get more leads, appointments and listings.

This can help you go from getting 1 listing a month to getting 2 a month, or even 3 or 4! So you can finally break free from the "roaller coster income" most agents are on and start having peace of mind knowing exactly when and WHERE your next listing will come from.

Just A Fraction Of What You’ll Get: 

  • Listing Presentation Mastery Training: You'll get direct access to our most up-to-date scripts and frameworks used by our top clients to get homeowners to list with you EVEN if you're competing against 3 other agents. Better yet, when done right, this will completely eliminate most objections "let me think about it", "let me talk to you" and ensure they sign right then and there with you even if they want to sell in the near future. This training alone can 2x your closing rate on lisitng presentations with cold leads.

  • 89-Step Marketing Packet: This presentation will set yourself apart from looking like every other Realtor. This has been created by one of our most successful client in our higher level program "Listing Accelerator" to charge 7-8% commission on listings easily. This is many years of work and thousands invested in giving to you for FREE. However, information in unskilled hands is just another packet, but if you know how to use it then it's GOLD!

  • Scaling Up Success Path: The biggest mistake I see people make at this point once they got a listing is not capitalizing on that momentum to invest more in their business to scale it, and eventually they lose all the momentum, their ads stop working and their back to square one. I'll show you exactly HOW to avoid this fatal trap and instead put you on track for being THE top producer in your area.

  • ​And So Much More…

Monthly Q&A Call

Every month you get the opportunity to ask questions so the team can solve fix your bottlenecks to ensure you're never stuck.

There's no limit to what you can ask - ads, scripts, listings, recruiting, hiring, CRM, tech, etc.

Bonuses Included When You Join Today


The $100k YouTube Ad

I had a YouTube Ad that generated over $100,000 in 11 months for one of my client in a VERY competitive market. I'm going to give you that EXACT ad and a full breakdown of me explaining to you why we said what we said, when we said it and what I would do differently today.

You're not going to find this anywhere else because there's not many real estate agents that have done $100,000 in commissions with one single YouTube Ad.


"Perfect Ads" Breakdown

In 2021, when we generated over $250,000 in GCI in only 6 shorts months for one of our client, we got A LOT of attention.

When I say attention, I mean realtors from all over where starting to imitate us and tried stealing our ads... only to find weeks later that none of them worked for them.

I remember thinking "these guys will never get results" as they didn't have an ad that was fit for their market, their personality and their ideal client - they were just copying.

People can read through unauthentic sh*t nowadays and in a market that's more competitive than ever, copying what everyone else is doing won't make you stand out.

The "Perfect Ads" Breakdown will SHOW you exactly how to craft a video ad that will resonate deeply with your ideal client and make THEM reach out to you.

The ad will speak to them SO MUCH that they will usually be the ones calling you AND they'll speak to you like you're already their agent, just following your lead.


Ultimate Listings Strategy

This is a step by step training that will show you exactly what to do right now to get a listing in the next 5 days without spending a ton of money on ads.

So if you're stuck, watch that training and I promise you, you will know exactly how to get your next listing now. I receive messages after messages from agents who have gone through this training and immediately got leads and got listings. I want you to be next.

Meet Your Instructor, Mikael Berube

Mikael Berube is a 7-figure award-winning entrepreneur, speaker, and founder of a world-renowned, lead gen company with hundreds of clients in North America.

When his grandmother started in real estate, she hustled hard—cold calling, door knocking, relying on her sphere of influence.

Despite her passion for real estate, she eventually had to hang her license because she lacked a consistent SYSTEM for attracting clients.

This made it very hard to live a comfortable life back then...

Leading Mikael to eventually find out there were only 2 types of real estate agents: The "Grinders" and the "Rainmakers".

She was, a "grinder".

Now, On the flip side, there are the Rainmakers—these are the cream of the crop in your office, pulling in substantial commissions, and even building teams while putting in fewer hours than most.

How is this even possible, you might wonder?

The secret lies in having a proven system to secure listings CONSISTENTLY.

That's precisely why, in 2017, Mikael founded—to empower Grinders like his grandmother to transition into Rainmakers.

In fact, last year he finally cracked the code to Youtube Ads for Seller Leads after investing over $2,000,000+ on advertising. More than 300+ realtors have used this system and, he can confidently say that this is the most effective system for getting listings CONSISTENTLY, and at a lower Cost Per Appointment than anything you've encountered before.

The Membership is everything a real estate agent needs to rapidly and profitably scale their career to new heights without any of the guesswork, for a price so low it’s almost ridiculous.

Mikael has used what is inside The Membership to skyrocket a real estate team from zero to #5 RE/MAX nationwide. 

What is arguably more impressive is his ability to help his clients achieve such success while working less than before.

In his free time Mikael typically works out, travels and spends time with his girlfriend & puppy.

Instructor Credentials

  • Helped 300+ real estate agents get 2-4 listings a month without cold calling.

  • Managed over $2,000,000 in paid advertising.

  • 2-Comma Club Awardee 2023.

  • Gold SaasPreneur Awardee 2023.

  • 7-figure entrepreneur at 22 years old.

Just A Few Agents Who Have Implemented This Exact System

Your Life-Changing Transformation Begins With - The Membership™

In the last few years it seems like every one and their mother got their license - making it harder for those of us that are relying on this career to get consistent leads, listings and closings.

As a member, you get access to the dozens of modules for every dimension of your business that will make you stand out from competition and dominate your farm area.

We will teach you how you can succeed in a market where there’s barely any opportunity to begin with, and even if clients consider going with familiar faces or the top producer.

In other words, you'll be able to thrive even if inventory is low or interest rates are high, because when you have the right systems, the market doesn't matter.

There will always be sellers in any market, you just need to be in font of them, at the right time, with the right message... and the world will be yours!

Everything we do is through leading-edge learning tools and technology.

And you'll get to be in the most passionate and hungry community of real estate agents on the planet.

A membership gives you everything you need to build the life and business of your dreams.

What’s Included In Your Membership?

The Classroom

83+ modules for all areas of your business.

Group Coaching

Monthly live sessions with the team.


In-depth CRM and AI trainings to streamline your day to day.


Network with other real estate agents. Get your questions answered.

How Your Life And Business Will Change

Extraordinary things happen when you start leveling up every area of your life with a Membership:

Get Listings Consistently

Stop relying on cold calling, SOI and lead gen companies and finally have your OWN system that you control. Knowing how to generate qualified leads will make your sleep better at night.

Increase Your GCI

Imagine doubling your gross commission income every year. What would that open you up to? It’s possible when you have a big enough lead flow.

Tap Into Luxury Markets

When you run geo-targeted ads on YouTube, you have the ability to target specific high-end zip codes if that’s your goal. Leaving you to work with better clients, making more money with the same time implication on your end.

Build A Team

Once you scale to the point where your days are spent going on listing appointments, we can then help you build a team to free you up from production so you can have more leverage.

More Family Time

Most real estate agents become licensed to have freedom in the first place but end up being slaves of their work. When most of your clients are sellers, this frees up most of your evenings and weekends.

Invest in Real Estate

As you start to scale your business, you’ll have enough cashflow coming from the real estate commissions to then re-invest into your investments like multifamily properties to eventually have passive income and do whatever you truly want like travel.

Our Clients Love Us

"I'm not going back to cold calling and door knocking after this."

Cesar De La Rosa | El Paso, TX

"Their system is dialed in."

Patrick Soukup | Fort Collins, CO

"I love working with their team."

Alex Giassa | Miami, FL

"15 leads, 1 listing appointment and 1 buyer in 2 weeks."

Jared Newton | Henderson, NV

"I got the highest price point listing I've ever sold & made $100k + in GCI."

Sylvia Castonguay | Calgary, AB

"I got 3 solds, 7 listings in 11 months."

Jeremy Sellmer | Vancouver, BC

"The leads are piping hot."

Dave Gove | Tahoe, CA

"The best lead gen company I've worked with."

Troy Sage | Temecula, CA

"I learned how to get listings despite this low-inventory market."

Cliff Clover | Orlando, FL

What Problems Will The Membership Help You Solve - The Membership is perfect for you if you're facing any of the following challenges:

  • Roller coaster income

    Your income is inconsistent. Some months are greater than others because you don’t have a predictable, consistent system of getting new qualified leads. You're either relying on referrals

    and SOI or getting shared buyer leads that are unqualified, ready in 9-12 months out and zero “now business” for listings.

  • ​Most of your clients are buyers

    You’d love to shift your buyer/seller ratio to work less while making more but most of your clients seem to be buyers. If only you could stop driving around for 9 months to then learn they bought with the listing agent.

  • Burnt by lead gen companies

    Do you feel like you’re hoping from one lead gen company to another hearing the same false promises again and again, only to be left with unqualified leads and a company that won’t give you your money back?

  • Tired of cold calling and door knocking

    You realize in 2024 these methods are less effective than online video marketing and feel like there must be a better way than to bang out 4 hours a day of cold calling FSBO and expired listings.

Try It For 15 Days Risk Free With Our Unconditional 100% Money-Back Guarantee

We 100% guarantee you'll love - The Membership or we'll give you a 100% refund. 

You don’t have to say YES right now. You only have to say MAYBE. Go through the materials for 15 days risk-free from the day of purchase. 

If you decide - The Membership
is not for you, just send an email to within 15 days of your purchase and we'll fully refund your $97 purchase, no questions asked.

Become A Member Now And Start Getting More Listings Today

What you get:

  • Full access to the - The Membership™ ($997 Value)

  • Monthly "Get Listings Live" Calls where you'll follow along to get new listings EACH month! Plus recordings of all calls! ($4,997 Value)

  • Library of super short actionable "get listings" videos. Designed for busy agents. ($5,997 Value)

  • Exclusive networking and support from fellow members in our community ($1497 Value)

  • ​Front row seat of our "plug-and-play" CRM workflows, automations & drip sequences to easily make your biz work for you 24/7 on autopilot. ($997 Value)

  • BONUS 1: The $100k YouTube Ad ($997 Value)

  • BONUS 2: "Perfect Ads" Breakdown ($997 Value)

  • BONUS 3: Ultimate Listings Strategy ($497 Value)

Total Value: $16,976

Your Special Price: $97/mo

Join - The Membership™ Now

Monthly Membership

Pay monthly, cancel anytime

$299 /month

$97 /month

15-day refund policy. Cancel at any time.

Membership Monthly

Pay monthly, cancel anytime


$83 /month

Billed monthly

15-day refund policy. Cancel at any time.


Membership Yearly

Pay yearly, cancel anytime


$83 /month

Billed annually

15-day refund policy. Cancel at any time.

*VAT charges might apply as per the billing address.

 All orders are processed on a secured server.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will this work in my market?

Yes, we’ve generated qualified seller leads in every possible market and niche over the last 6 years with our system. If you follow our proven framework, everything will be custom tailored to your ideal client, your market and your personality.

What’s the minimum commitment?

There's no miminum commitment. It's month to month, cancel anytime.

Can I get a refund if I'm not satisfied?

Yes, if you ask for a refund by emailing before the 15th day after your purchase, we will fully refund your $97 USD, no questions asked. You'll still get to keep the 3 bonuses - that's our gift to you for giving us a shot, but we're confident that you will love the membership and stay.

For how long have you guys been in business?

We were founded in 2017 by Mikael Berube. The company used to be called Regain Media and then rebranded to to represent the next evolution of the company after it quickly became the leading source for getting listings.

Are you real estate agents?

Mikael founded the company initially because he saw his grandmother struggle to get listings as a real estate agent and eventually had to quit. He decided to combine his love for marketing and systems to solve that problem for the entire industry so that nobody has to go through what her grandmother did. Mikael isn’t licensed himself - a few of his team members at are licensed real estate agents.

What’s the price?

$97 USD per month. You will be billed $97 today and $97 every 30 days after, unless you cancel prior.

Do I need to use a specific CRM for this to work?

Absolutely not. If you're tech-savvy and you already have another CRM that can build landing pages, lead automations, drip sequences, etc. you can use that. We custom built our own CRM and that's the one we suggest simply because everything is done-for-you already like the funnels, automations, etc. and it's usually cheaper than most alternatives. You get a 14-day free trial and then it's $97/mo for our CRM for unlimited users, leads and funnels. Our CRM integrates with all major real estate CRMs like Follow-Up Boss, Sierra, KvCore, etc.

What's the difference between your two programs "The Membership™" Vs. "Listing Accelerator™?"

Listing Accelerator™ is a complete done-for-you program for which our clients pay us $6,000 - $10,000 for our team to handle literally everything for you. The Membership™ is a done-with-you program. If you're unsure where to start, we advise you give a shot to The Membership™ for only $97/mo and if within the first 15 days you realize you'd prefer have our team do more for you, then we can refund your $97 and get you in Listing Accelerator.

Try It Risk-Free For 15 Days.

Try It Risk-Free For 15 Days.

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Investing of any kind carries risk and it is possible to lose some or all of your money. The training provided is general in nature, and some strategies may not be appropriate for all individuals or all situations. We make no representation regarding the likelihood or probability that any actual or hypothetical investment will achieve a particular outcome or perform in any predictable manner.

Statements and depictions are the opinions, findings, or experiences of individuals who generally have purchased education and training. Results vary, are not typical, and rely on individual effort, time, and skill, as well as unknown conditions and other factors. We do not measure earnings or financial performance. Instead, we track completed transactions and satisfaction of services by voluntary surveys. You should not, however, equate reported sales transactions with financially successful transactions. Further, many customers do not continue with the program, do not apply what they learn, or do attempt to apply what they learn but nonetheless have difficulty in making sales successful for them.

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